Beirut Modern School

      Welcome to BMS          Book Your Seat at Beirut Modern School for the Next Academic Year 2024-2025, Which Will Be Culminated by the Latest Learning Techniques of Our Time Besides the Modern Technological Activities That Mimic the Requirements of This Advanced Era. Seats Are Limited.       

Early Childhood

Welcome to our Early Childhood Education division at Beirut Modern School! BMS Early Childhood Education provides an intellectually stimulating curriculum that promotes social interaction, high self-esteem, and a strong foundation for excellence in future scholastic achievements.

Our program is geared towards Social and Emotional development, Language/Mathematics and Science growth thus enhancing your child's capabilities progressively. Having programs in English and French, our Early Childhood Education enables the child's development by expanding his/her potential in the language sector. During our program, we focus on your child's expansion by means of Multiple Intelligence strategies. We consider in intensifying his/her intelligence skills as being primary and fundamental. Moreover, working with the bodily, imaginative, emotional, social and cognitive aspects of each child will increase his/her potential in future accomplishments and developments.


Language is encouraged through an affirmative approach by communicating, writing, reading, hearing and understanding one another. Our program also provides the child an affluent method of managing Science and Mathematics through analyzing, solving, predicting thinking and understanding concepts and theories.

We distinguish each child as a distinctive element. Through Creative Media and Computers we furnish a meaningful experience for self-expression. We provide stimuli to help your child grow intellectually and morally. We offer a wide range of interests for your child to explore. We encourage your child to express him/herself verbally in peer-group and teacher-child relationships through interaction.

We do acknowledge your child's need by expanding his/her ability to express him/her artistically; therefore, our program enforces this means for inspiration by introducing Music and Art to each element. Our resource room is fully equipped and ready to provide you child with any of his/her necessities. A cycle of a three year period will conclude the KG II and grande section level, through which they will celebrate their graduation in a ceremonial style.

We invest our best on assuring your child's positive performance and behavior. Needless to say, all this is accomplished through a dedicated staff which is committed to creating an atmosphere of love, understanding and a responsive home environment. We reassure you its very best in guiding and serving your child with our utmost assistance and contentment

Elemenary School

Cycle I & II of Basic Education

Elementary school is comprised of children from grade one to grade six. During these basic years of learning, children will acquire the ability to express themselves in the three languages of instruction, both orally and in writing. The program also includes the learning of math, science and social studies, as well as an enriching program in art, music, information technology, and physical education.

Elementary school promotes a constructive learning environment through a positive behavior intervention support system. The school curriculum challenges the students, parents, and faculty to think and perform at high levels of achievement and to exhibit positive character values. The school recognizes respectful, responsible, and safe behaviors. Academic and behavior expectations are displayed throughout the school and in classrooms. Classroom and student achievement are celebrated every month through “The Student of the Month Award” and at the end of each term.


In addition to the core curriculum, students are encouraged to participate in after school extracurricular activities, and to read on a daily basis.

To achieve these goals competent and dedicated teachers attend yearly workshops that develop their teaching skills and keep them abreast with all developments in the field of education.

Middle School

Cycle III of Basic Education

Middle school is comprised of classes from grade seven to grade nine (Brevet). These are the years when children grow and confront most of the changes at the physical and emotional level. In fact they may start middle school as children and graduate from grade nine as young adults.

Beirut Modern School recognizes its responsibility for the education of the students as a whole. Consequently, the school adapts its program as an integral part of real life experiences, by challenging every one of them to attain the highest degree of intellect and skills. In that respect each individual can contribute to society by working toward the fulfillment of the school’s goals. This will ensure that the educational process is dynamic and beneficial to all.


All students will be given the opportunity to extend and expand their knowledge in the different core disciplines, as well as enriching the other subjects. The framework of the program comprises ten subject clusters: English, Arabic and French will remain with math the core subject matters. Science, social studies and the third language will continue to form an integral part of the learning. In addition to these courses, the school expects students to improve their skills in the different inspirational disciplines: art, music, information technology, and physical education.

During grade nine, all Lebanese students are required to sit for the Brevet Official Exams and succeed to be eligible for grade ten. The school also offers the opportunity for non-Lebanese students and Lebanese students who obtain an exemption from joining the Lebanese program from the Ministry of Education, to enroll in the High School program which will lead them to receive a school diploma and pursue their studies at the university level.

Secondary School

Cycle IV of Basic Education

Secondary school or General Baccalaureate comprises classes from grade ten to twelve. It is organized into series or streams (Economics and Sociology, Humanities, Life Science and General Science.).

Grade ten (or seconde générale ou commune) students have, in total, ten courses of study (English, French, Arabic, math, physics, biology, chemistry, social studies, economics, and sociology) and Physical Education. The different courses are given different coefficients according to the number of hours/ week. At the end of the year students are split into two grade eleven sections: Scientific (11S or 1èreS) or Literary (11L or 1èreL) according to their qualifications and the school’s promotion requirements policy.


In grade eleven one more course of study is included in the program: Philosophy. In each section the different courses are also given different coefficients according to the numbers of hours/ week. At the end of the school year, grade eleven students from each section are again split in two different streams. The grade 11L section can be promoted to either Grade twelve Humanities (12H or TH) or Grade twelve Economics and Sociology (12ES or TES). Whereas grade 11S section can be promoted to either grade twelve Life Science (12LS or TSV) section or grade twelve General Science 12GS or TSG) section. In each of these classes and sections the school applies its policy for graduation.

All Lebanese students are required to sit for the Baccalaureate Official Exams in grade twelve. The success in these exams is a pre-condition for their admission to universities, locally and abroad. Whereas high school (or non-Lebanese Program) students have to complete all school requirements to be eligible for a high school diploma and admission to university.

In grade eleven and twelve, students are given the opportunity to start preparing for college or university admission through a series of orientation sessions, meetings at school, or visits to different local high standard private universities. In grade ten and eleven of both sections (English and French) one of the components of the English language course is SAT and TOEFL, which prepares students for admission to certain local and international colleges. At the same time students of 1ère and Terminales are prepared for the French Test d’Aptitude, which is a requirement for admission to Université Saint Joseph.